Unlock the full innovative potential of your Studio or City by inviting others to interact with the views you've created.

Because views support adding data as well as just looking at it, inviting people in can help you build out and evolve your model.

Clicking on the "Admin" link in the left sidebar will not only expose a variety of administrative options, but it will open the Users management page by default. From this page it is straight-forward to invite users.

The invitation email will use the logo and name and color palette of your Studio / City so we suggest doing a little bit of branding customization before you invite people in. Click on the Branding concept to see more about this. If you want to be notified when people join your Studio / City, open the Admin -> Onboarding page and add your email address to the signup notifications:

If you want to create the lowest barrier invitation experience, don't require that users answer any questions when they first onboard into your Studio or City. Just set the default homepage to a view that presents some interesting data from your model and has a clear call to action inviting users to contribute to it in some way, like the picture at the top of this description. Then invite some users and watch things evolve! (See the "Calls to Action" and "Custom Homepage" concept for more details.)

Sometimes, however, it's valuable to collect some initial data about your users when they first sign up. You can change the onboarding setting from "disabled" to either "required" or "optional" to support this.

If you're enabling oboarding, you'll want to configure the information that is collected when new users signup. You do this by changing the fields associated with the "CityUsers" element type in the model.

CityUsers is a system element type, so it is hidden by default. To configure it you must first tell the model builder to show the system model, which will reveal a number of hidden element and connection types, including CityUsers:

Change the definition of the CityUsers element type to include whatever fields you want to collect. Test what the onboarding form looks like by bringing up the manual data entry form via the "Add" button. (See concepts "Adding Properties" and "Collection Forms" for more details on how to do this.)

When you're happy with the appearance of the form  then set your Studio or City onboarding to either Mandatory or Optional and leave the default parameter of "graphForm". This will use the data collection form from your model as the onboarding form for new users.

If you've created an invitation workflow that includes onboarding, make sure to add your email to signup notifications and after a few people sign up (use a beta group first!) experiment with creating views of your users based on properties and connections collected during onboarding.