The bulk import tool allows you to drag and drop an excel spreadsheet into the drop target or select it from your local computer, but the file you provide must be correctly "mapped" to the graph model you've created. This means:

  1. The title of each tab in your spreadsheet matches the name of an element type in your model.
  2. The title of each column in your spreadsheet matches a field name in your model for that element type.
  3. There is no whitespace or merged cells in your spreadsheet.
  4. Each cell either has a single value or a delimited list of values using the same delimiter for every cell in the column.

So, taking this Getting Started view as an example, the model is two elements types with an "involve" connection type between them and a "related" connection between concepts.

A single .xlsx spreadsheet with one sheet called "Explainer" and one sheet called "Concept" can simultaneously create explainer elements, concept elements, and the links between them as shown below. (If we wanted to also add connections relating concepts to each other, this would simply involve adding an additional column to the Concepts sheet.)

Notice that fields that link to other elements found in other sheets can be delimited using any character you want. Make sure to tell the import tool about delimited columns by clicking on the column name after you drop the file into the file target and setting the character used as the delimiter:

After you've identified any delimited columns and verified that he bulk upload tool is correctly recognizing the element types and the fields for those elements that you are trying to upload, click the "Calculate/Refresh" button at the bottom of the spreadsheet info list to prepare for the update:

After the bulk import tool calculates what the results of the upload will be, click the "Import" button to actually upload the data. Once the progress bars are done updating in the progress form that pops up, close the upload progress window and check the elements that appear under the Data option in the left sidebar to verify that the data is now in your Studio / City.