There are three ways to add data to your model:
1. Manually add items individually using the auto-generated data collection forms that are created for you by the system as you build your model. (Screenshot of an example form below.) This is a good way to quickly enter a few data points in order to test out your model and experiment with building a network visualization. We suggest that you try this first before entering more data in bulk using either of the next two methods.
2. Bulk import data from a spreadsheet. You can easily populate your model with lots of elements and connections between them from a single excel file. Click on the "Bulk Import" concept in the Getting Started view of your Studio or City for the specifics of how to do this.
3. Crowdsource from a community or team. Sometimes the data you really need doesn't live anywhere except in people's heads. You can easily use a Cognitive City to get this implicit knowledge into a structured form by creating a view that offers low-barrier data-entry and instant feedback about how that hidden knowledge connects to the knowledge of others. Click on the "Crowdsourcing Information" concept in the Getting Started view of your Studio or City to learn more about how to do this, and click on the "Facilitated Conversations" concept to see how crowdsourced data can be used to transform discussions, meetings, and conference sessions into truly engaging interactions.
Once you start entering data through any of the methods above, you'll want to be able to capture more nuance than just the name of things. Click on the "Adding Properties" concept in the Getting Started view of your Studio or City to see how to add more fields to your data.
After you have some data in the system it's time to create some interactive visualizations. Click on "3. Create interactive visualizations" in the Getting Started view of your Studio or City to see how.