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We encourage you to checkout out our forums to get support from Exaptive personnel or other community members. 

After all, if you have a question there is a good chance that someone else has or will have it too!

Exaptive is founded on the idea that when people work collaboratively the output is greater than the sum of its parts. We hope you'll find these forums a place where you can work with like-minded individuals to help each other succeed.

Community Conduct: At Exaptive we are committed to fostering a community of mutual respect and inclusivity. Personal attacks on another community member will not be tolerated for any reason. Please take a few moments to read our Community Code of Conduct before creating topics or posting comments. 

Forum Guide: Not sure where to go: Here is the layout of our forums:

  • General Topics
    • General Discussion and Feedback--A place for discussion of best practices, tips and tricks, and miscellaneous topics. Share your thoughts on the Exaptive products for discussion by the community. If you have a post and you're not sure where to put it, feel free to post it here!
    • Community Questions--A place for the community to discuss challenges or questions they have with the Exaptive products.
    • Cognitive City Atlas--A place to show off what you have done in your cognitive cities, promote public cognitive cities to the community, or discuss ideas for new cognitive cities with the community.
  • Support Forums
    (Topics in these forums will automatically create a ticket with Exaptive's Support Team, the same as if you reported it through the help widget in our products themselves)
    • Feature Requests--If there's something you want to do in an Exaptive product, but cannot, let us know here.
    • Bug Reports--Let us know if something is not working, or if you're getting error messages in our products.